What water and gas shut off technologies are available that we are unaware of?
We provided a technology landscape of
chemical and mechanical water and gas shut
off technologies (WGSO), developed by small
and medium enterprise (SME) technology
providers, for an international oil company
Our client asked:
Our client asked us to identify emerging and niche WGSO technologies
provided by vendors they might not have been exposed to.
Our client was familiar with chemical and mechanical WGSO technologies
offered by large technology providers but was less familiar with those offered
by SMEs. We were asked to conduct a technology landscaping, focusing on the
mechanical and chemical WGSO products offered by SMEs.
The project story:
We combined literature research and technology provider interviews to identify
around 70 WGSO niche products that the client was unfamiliar with. We then
eliminated products that were similar to those already known about through a
series of regular meetings, leading to a final workshopping stage.
The remaining products (around 15) were included in our final presentation,
which contained an overview of the technologies – including details like
conveyance and placement methods, application, benefits and limitations, case
history, and testimonials – as well as an overview of each manufacturer and its
product range.
Results: deliverables and outcomes
We were able to identify around 70 WGSO niche products that our client
had not previously been exposed to, broadening their pool of products and
technology providers.
Our IOC client gained insights into niche WGSO technologies provided by
small service companies and a number of new technologies were brought to
their attention which lead to the formulation of alternative approaches for water
and gas management.
Our markets

Our consultants, scientists and engineers redefine what’s possible and help R&D groups across the medical, industrial, consumer and food and beverage sectors achieve commercial return from their opportunities.
Our projects

We have completed over 10,000 projects for start-ups and global market leaders alike, from understanding the market & technology landscape through to developing and delivering complex products.