Identifying opportunities to valorise CO2 waste streams
Our client asked:
How can we create new value from existing CO2 waste streams while considering specific technical and commercial constraints?
The project story:
- Sagentia Innovation analysed each processing facility to understand CO2 profiles, processing equipment and workflow, commercials etc. This served as a baseline for undertaking the waste stream valorisation work.
- Separation, capture and utilisation technologies were assessed and aligned to each target facility to identify the most applicable CO2 technologies for value creation.
- Recommendation of the most suitable technologies considering the client's technical and commercial requirements.
- Where applicable, the impact on tax credits and penalties were assessed along with the overall commercial viability of the shortlisted valorisation opportunities.
Results: deliverables and outcomes
Our client was provided with a report which provided a clear route to market for CO2 valorisation. The report also outlined any risks and development hurdles which needed to be overcome for successful inception.
The client was also given a watchlist of low TRL technologies and projects.
Sagentia Innovation’s recommendations are helping the client to make informed strategic decisions as they progress with their journey towards sustainable bio-processing.

Identifying opportunities to valorise CO2 waste streams