Insights archive
Women's Health
Five critical factors for the commercialisation of women’s health technology
With high growth forecast for women’s health technology, it’s an attractive area for innovation. But joining the...
Healthy aging and longevity: challenges and opportunities
As the number and proportion of older people in the global population grows, healthcare priorities are changing...
Innovative breakthroughs in women’s health technology
Join us in celebrating the latest breakthroughs in women’s health and exploring the biggest opportunities for growth...
Empathy in the design and development of women’s health technology
The development of women’s health technology can be significantly enhanced with an empathetic design process. Our...
Female nutrition: act now to seize the opportunity
The past decade has seen a marked increase in the availability of nutritional solutions targeting women’s health. In...
Breast cancer screening: a patient-centric approach to innovation
As the standard breast cancer screening technology, mammography plays a major role in early detection, improving...
Women's Health
22 April, 2022
Webinar: What’s next in women’s health?
The last five years have seen a significant increase in women’s health research and investment. Emerging technologies...
Webinar: The future of breast cancer screening: a patient-centric approach to invention
Breast cancer is the world’s most prevalent cancer. While breast cancer screening programs have significantly reduced...
Eileen Buttimer, Head of New Business Development, Europe
Eileen gives a brief introduction to her role at Sagentia Innovation highlighting how our work spans multiple sectors...
Improving fertility outcomes through IVF innovation
On the journey to parenthood, infertility is one of the most distressing challenges prospective parents can face. While...
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